Cremaster – Pümpernikel

CHF 12.00

1. Stairway to Snot 02:32
2. Hellvis Presley 02:53
3. Chocolate Daemon 01:56
4. Dentist the Sadist 02:57
5. Child in Clock 02:12
6. New Kids on the Cock 01:28
7. Long Live Grind’n’roll 03:01
8. Zos Daewoo Cultus 01:16
9. Dirty Danzig 01:46
10. Non Opus Gay 02:10
11. Diabolous in Vatican 02:09
12. Jailbreak 03:36
13. Diabolical Fullsun Hedonism 01:51
14. Bohemian Rap-city 01:53
15. The Dark Side of the Side of the Dark 02:06
16. Spread (Scream & Shout) 02:20
17. David Lee Gorgo-roth 01:43
18. Fear of the Pork 02:22
19. Killed by the Hammer of Steel of the Ring of the Dragon of Metal of the Mighty Warrior’s Sword 02:21

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